Friday, February 09, 2007

Well today I got my first invitation to the Beauleiu Boat Jumble

Do I go or do I stay? what a trauma I have loads of tat to sell or give away. I haven`t missed one for ten years. Of late (four years) I have had a double stall there. I arrive the day before and set up the stall and then off to the pub for a meal. arriving back at midnight. Then its spread my bedroll out on the ground and fast akip by 0.05 or sooner (I do like to sleep in the open.) At around sun up I have a quick trip around the stands that have arrived and already set up and buy whatever I can for the day or for personal use later (which usually all ends up at the next years Beaulieu BJ)and then its off to the abloutions and on to Breakfast! I usually have a good day with some fundmaking in evidence but its the ambiance of the place, all mates all with similar interests all trying to get a bargain. I guess I will be there again this year! Ho hum what a booring and predictable life I lead ? ahh! theres another thing, I guess that I will also be at the SBS this year too Mmmmmmm.


Fuff said...

If you go to Beaulieu, will definitely pop round to see you this year. Or even SBS if you're about!

rob said...

That would be great I would love to meet, look forward to it, SBS too possibly take care.

Anonymous said...

SBS, it has to be done!

rob said...

Do you not visit the Bealeiu boat jumble then Tim? so many bargains ! so little time!